Search for the Purpose of Life

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cosmology vs Mythology - a Perspective View of Life

This is my first ever article and blog.. Go ahead..

Imagine that you are riding on a time machine wheeling backwards billions of years, where there was no earth, no solar system, no stars nor the galaxies formed. You could experience the ultimate solitude of nothingness where even the phenomenon of time has never born. This might have been the state before any miraculous event occurred, that gave birth to the universe as we experience it now. It indeed leaves me with a scratching and aching head to digest how the cosmos might have originated out of nothing!

This defies the entire Physics to be wrong, as it says that any cause has a source. But one single theory which a majority of scientists and cosmologists seem to have accepted as the cause of the universe is the Big Bang theory, which states that the entire mass of the universe was concentrated in a tiny dot which was infinitesimally small with infinite density. Being highly unstable, the tiny dot exploded suddenly, releasing out the atoms and molecules that collided and combined together to constitute the entire universe.

Though ridiculous it may sound, scientists were reluctantly forced to believe this theory after Kepler observed that the universe is expanding, which proves that all the cosmos were once together very closely. Cosmologists got contented of having found the cause of our birth. Nevertheless they have failed to demystify the source for the cause.

Here comes into picture the scriptures like Vedas and Puranas of our Mythology, which proclaims that there is an Ultimate Creator of the entire universe who is a super natural being, far beyond our sense of perception, with immense power, hard to manifest or realize. He is omnipotent and has neither birth nor death. He rides this entire universe like a chariot with perfect synchronization. Sir Isaac Newton, who is the founder of Physics and who gave the fundamental laws that govern the entire universe once quoted “I give you the laws and rules based on which the universe behaves. But don’t ask me why and how. It is upto the Supreme Creator…”
We all know that animals like dogs cannot differentiate various colours (everything appears to be black and white for them), as their sensual evolution does not give way for it. In the same way, one cannot question the existence of the Supreme Creator, just because one cannot feel His presence or potential with his ordinary senses.

Ever since Newton’s discovery of the universal law of gravitation, the quest for the cause of gravity that perfectly holds and runs the entire universe has been in race and there came Albert Einstein, the Genius of 20th century, who redefined Newton’s idea of the universe. He said space and time exists together in the form of a fabric with time being the fourth dimension. It is due to the disturbances caused in the fabric by the moving or rotating planets, that causes gravity on their surface. This defies Newton’s principle that the entire universe is static. Einstein put forth that everything is relative
and that are subject to changes.

But Einsteins’s ideas never satisfied for the places of extreme conditions in the universe like the super novas and the black holes, thus failing him from giving a single unified theory.

And then the quest continued in the sub atomic level leading to Quantum Mechanics, to try find the particle responsible for causing gravity. They have named the particle as the God particle or Dark matter which is hidden inside each atom. Based on the experiments conducted by colliding the atoms at nearly the velocity of light, they found that the total energy after collision was less than the total energy before collision. This is against the law of conservation of energy. Scientists reason that the missing energy is due to the disappearance of the God particle in an unknown extra dimension in space which we are unaware of.

All these show me that entire science and cosmology has never succeeded in finding even the why’s and how’s of gravity. Thus cosmology contributes only to a scientist’s understanding of the universe. On the other hand Mythology or Religion gives such things like “meaning of life” or the “philosophy of life”.
Right from the day when an apple fell on Newton’s head to till this day where the cosmologists try to simulate the conditions just after the Big bang (Large Hadron Collider) the researches will go on forever. But will they succeed in finding one unified theory of the entire universe is a billion dollar question?!

Whether we succeed in the quest for the cause of our birth or not we all must admit that there must be a Supreme Creator responsible for the perfect rhythm and the synchronized activities of the cosmos as Newton admitted. The scriptures guide us in knowing His potentials and the ways to attain His place. I believe in that Supreme Being and conclude that everything that happened or still happening is for a purpose and one who realizes it will try to rest in peace on the God’s arms.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Vijay,
    Gud article to start with...I think it absolutely reflected ur thoughts.I do think on the same lines.But just tat never attempted to relate gravity with god.For a moment i thought u were a physics garduate though :P
    n yes WELCOME TO BLOGOSPHERE! Keep posting !!
